Phosphenes [fos´fēn]

Brain Matter

"The gravity of sin is unbearable, isn't it? Do you wish to kill yourself or do you wish to persist your soul through this unending reality?"

"This isn't even a choice."

"Why's that?"

"You just caved a hole in my skull with a power drill. I can feel my brain matter leaking out."

"You've just woke up from your nap. That was only a dream. I would never give you such an undignified death. For you it should be painless."

"I see. It's been nine minutes since I've laid down. There's a blank spot in my head. It's tingling. I can fell it with my skull."

"Are you rested?"


"Want to sleep some more?"

"I can't. There's a hole in my skull."

"You're still dreaming. Tap your fingers against your temple, rat a tat tat. One, two and three, now everybody can see."

"Will it help?"

"Probably. It numb your senses and drives away memories. No need to use anything but your index finger. More than one finger and you might end up erasing your conscience. The strings might snap."

"Like this?"

"Watch it. No need to be so violent. Look, it's pouring blood now. You're so clumsy."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Will it stain? It's really warm. I feel like boiling water is trickling down my face."

"I have some napkins and tape. I'll make a bandage for you. We're running low on medical supplies. They are being used in the new drinks down at the bar. The bandages hold together broken glass shards in a small shot glass. You cut on fingers on it while drinking, so you need more bandages. It's an unending cycle."

"Sounds fun."

"Yes. There, all done. It will clot any minute now. Is it still warm?"

"Your hand is cold."

"As always. What about it? You don't like it?"

"I do, just saying. It's nice having you around."

"It's nice being around you."

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it. I would love if you answered my question?"

"What was it?"

"You don't remember, so you shouldn't worry. When you do, give your artery a push and I'll be right back. Stab it gently, don't let it leak. Massage it so it stays in."

"I see. I will do that after they call me. They have my number now. That's great, isn't it? I thought they didn't have it and I got depressed."

"Have another nap."

"They called once. I answered twice. First, with words. Cutting words. Spiteful ones."

"Your head will be lighter and reality will give way to peace."

"Secondly, I had violence with me. I stabbed them through the cord. Blood poured from the speaker, forming a little pool by my feet."

"You are silly. A knife can't reach in an international call. You used a long needle."

"I poked his eye through the speaker. A little bit of blood poured out, not enough to make a pool."

"You feel sleepy, that's why you can't tell me the truth. You should lie down again. I'll be by your side making your dreams. I have the needle with me. I can give you what you want in your sleep, as long as your eyes are closed."

"But I will wake up again."

"Always. But you can go back to sleep then."

"What if the needle breaks when I blink?"

"I'll use a power drill to make a hole in your temple and pull all the fragments."

"How will you fill it again?"

"I have spare brain matter and skin too. Enough to fill a little hole. Don't doubt me. Your sin won't come back, I promise. Although, you could inherit another one after I fill it again."

"That's a bummer."

"Want to try?"

"Yeah, sure."